Let’s face it, whether you have been working for a while to make sure your self-confidence stays high or you’re just beginning on your journey, we all have our days that just have us feeling a bit off. But don’t worry, I’m sharing my top 10 rescue tips on what you can do the next time you’re having a low body image day.

Maybe it’s that time of the month (ladies) so we’re bloated and feeling extra blahhhh.
Or the restaurant you went to last night served the best pizza of your life and you just couldn’t say no.
Maybe you just didn’t sleep well and woke up on the wrong side of the bed and that inner mean girl is sitting front row.
With every day our bodies and minds are changing and it’s important for us to understand and learn how to honor that. So on the days when we look into the mirror and feel defeated and unworthy give these 10 low body image rescue tips a try!
10 Low Body Image Day Rescue Tips
- Don’t wear tight clothes
- Find comfy clothes that aren’t going to hug the places of your body you’re feeling insecure about at the moment. Let’s be real, who wants to try and fit into a figure fitting dress when your mind isn’t in the right place? Instead opt for a nice flowy dress that you still love and that you won’t be anxious about how uncomfortable you feel.
- Practice a calming yoga sequence
- Once we’re in a low body image day our anxiety can start to sky rocket. A calming yoga sequence to recenter and ground yourself can be just what the body needs. Check out YouTube where you can find many videos you can do in the comfort of your own home.
- Journal your thoughts
- Sometimes all we need is to get our thoughts out on paper to realize we’ve been thinking crazy things that just aren’t real! Put some calm and relaxing music on, light a candle, grab your favorite blanket and take 5- 10 minutes to get out what is circling in your mind. This can also be a great way for you to remind yourself it’s ok to have these thoughts and realize it could have been something that was going on in your day that triggered them.
- Go for a walk
- Getting outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery always helps when I’m feeling a little blah about myself. Plus, movement does the body good! While I know we love to go outside and put our headphones on – try and just walk in nature and really focus on the sounds around you and let your mind be still.
- Drink water
- Maybe you’ve been feeling bloated and things with your digestion have been less than ideal. That can really hinder how we feel in our skin. One thing I always try and keep on top of is my water intake. Water is so important for our bodies. It helps carry nutrients and oxygen to our cells, preventing constipation and aiding digestion.
- Not a fan of plain old water? I love to adding a squeeze of lime, some strawberries and mint to water to make it extra enjoyable! Think of it as your own at home spa day.
- Remind yourself you still deserve food to nourish your body
- Even though you may be feeling down about your body you still deserve to feed and nourish it! Starving yourself is only going to make matters worse. One, you’ll be hangry and no one likes you when you’re hangry. Two, it’s more likely to then trigger binge eating later in the day to where that really won’t help how you feel about yourself.
- If you’re not feeling super hungry try some lighter nourishing meals like a protein smoothie with spinach, a veggie broth based soup or yogurt with granola and berries.
- Listen to your favorite music
- I don’t know what it is but why is it that when we feel said we put on sad songs!? It’s like we want to continue to drown in our sorrow or something. Instead, turn on your favorite playlist on Spotify that really brings out all the vibes and turn it up as loud as you want and just dance around the house and let all that negativity flow out of your body.
- Know that this is just a feeling and feelings come and go
- Remind yourself that you will not always feel this way. That, as women especially, our bodies are constantly changing throughout the month. So many things in our lives can factor in our moods and there’s always a way to switch our frown upside down. You’ve gone through tough things in your life and you’ve come out stronger because of them. You can get through bad days and there will be better days ahead.
- Call a friend or family member
- Sometimes a good vent is all we need. Talking to someone else and asking them about their day can be a great switch. Or what things they have planned allow you to take a step away from your thoughts obsessing over your body.
- Put on a podcast
- When the negative nancy voice in your head just won’t be quiet, we need to push her out of there. An uplifting podcast can do just the trick! This can reframe your thoughts to a more positive outlook to ensure your day ends on a positive note.
- There are so many podcasts out there on either spotify or apple. Here’s a list of my top Podcast and Book recommendations for when you need some inspiration or a mindset shift.
In Conclusion
Well there we have it! My top 10 low body image day rescue tips. I hope that the majority of the days you’re able to stand in front of the mirror and love yourself. However, on those days where you’re just feeling down give one (or all) of these tips a try!
Feeling like you need to take it one step further? I’d love to be able to work with you and discuss what’s held you back in the past. Then dive in to create a plan on how you can feel your most confident self! Click the link to apply to my 1-1 Living a Balanced Life Coaching Program today.