Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring OR expensive. With some simple strategies there are always ways to incorporate healthy eating on a budget.
I’ve actually even found that with incorporating these simple strategies it’s even possible to save money. Especially with food costs rising, even convenient and fast food options are starting to add up quickly.
Take a look at my five simple strategies on how you can start eating healthy and stick to your budget!

Five Steps to Healthy Eating on a Budget
Check What’s On Sale
This is a great way to save some extra money. I love to look up the ads online for what’s on sale this week. Once I see what veggies and produce are on sale I can take a look on Pinterest. Then I’m able to search for some fun meals to make for the week ahead. If I plan my meals out before looking at the sales, I might make a mistake by choosing chicken instead of the deal of Salmon being half off! This is especially good for protein to stock up and freeze some as well for later use.
Shop Smarter
One way to not overbuy when you’re at the grocery store is to go on a full stomach. There have been many times where I’m running to the store out of starvation. ALLLLL the foods look good and I just start buying them all. Not only does this cause you to overeat because now you can’t resist the new yummy foods, but you’re also probably going to waste a lot of that food as well.
Another way is to make sure you have a list when you go to the store and stick to it! This will help ensure you’re keeping healthy meals in mind and that you’re not overspending on junk food that you probably don’t need anyway.
Eat at Home
This is definitely a great way to save some money and eat more healthy meals. Even if you want to have something more indulgent chances are that by making it at home it’s going to be less calories. For instance, my husband and I love to have Pizza night on either a Friday or Saturday. It’s always fun to go out and have this meal but it’s also super easy to replicate at home too. 2 pizzas bought from our local grocery store that get made fresh daily and all we have to do is place them in our oven costs us $24. Pair it with a salad and a bottle of wine we come to a grand total of about $40. Now have this same option but at an Italian restaurant and we’re looking at $110 easy! There’s always a time and place to go out and enjoy a meal but if you’re looking to save, at home is the best!
Make Meals in Bulk
This is a great way to save money and time! It may take a bit of work to make up large quantities for dinner but then you’re set for lunches or dinners for the majority of the week. This definitely helps when you have busy weeks and no time to cook. Instead of going through the drive through you’re already set at home with a healthy well balanced meal. I know leftovers aren’t always “fun” per say, but they get the job done!
Feel free to grab my Veggie Packed Quinoa Salad. This is perfect to make at the beginning of the week and have for lunch or dinner. You can spice it up by adding a different protein to pair with it or just enjoy as is! The quinoa gives you the protein you need, the cheese, those yummy fats and tons of veggies as well!
Vegetarian Meals
Adding some more meatless meals into your weekly rotation is a great way to cut some costs. There are so many delicious ways to incorporate tofu, chickpeas and veggies. Bonus, they make a fully balanced and protein packed meal. If you’re looking for some vegetarian meals to try, take a look at this post where I share a week’s worth of Vegetarian meals. Vegetarian soups I think are a great way to start if you’re a little on the fence. You can pair them with a side salad and some fresh bread and be set for success. Plus, the soups are likely to make a pretty good amount to help with making your meals in bulk as well!
The Bottom Line
Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive or boring! Don’t feel that you need to incorporate all of these steps at once. Just try and replace maybe one or two over the next month and see how your budget and health start to change. If you make any of the recipes I’ve shared as well be sure to take a photo and share over on social media! I love to see what you’re busy cooking up!