We all know that working out is good for us, but the hardest part can be figuring out how to start. You might not be sure what machines to use at the gym or what type of workout you should be doing so another week goes by and you don’t do anything. Check out this example of how I schedule a week of workouts that you can use to get started this week!

In order to get the benefits from working out like increased happiness, better sleep and of course more strength, you don’t have to spend hours at the gym and running 5 miles a day. The great thing about this workout structure is that it’s a variety of working out different body parts. This way you don’t get sick of the workouts and your body doesn’t plateau.
Schedule for a Week of Workouts

Monday – Legs and Glutes
Strength training with weights is such an important part of your fitness routine. So what better way than to start the week of with those legs and glutes. Strength training can help build lean muscle, increase bone strength and prevent injury. Try this Workout.
Tuesday – Arms & Abs
When it also comes to lifting, there’s the rule of thumb that you should wait 48 hours between working the same muscle group. Allowing the muscle tissues to repair themselves after they’ve been worked is critical. With that being said, since we did legs on Monday, it’s time to give our upper body some work. Try this Workout.
Wednesday – Yoga
While I know you might think you need to be either running or lifting weights to see any progress, that’s not really the case. Your body needs time to stretch and relax as well in order to reap the benefits of your previous workouts. Taking a day in the middle of the week to stretch and do light activity is a great way to let your body recover. This will also help with not feeling like you’re over exerting yourself. Try this at home Power Yoga workout.
Thursday – Full Body
You’ve worked your body and gave it rest so now it’s time to go all out. When it comes to strength training, you should aim to hit all of your major muscle groups like your quads, glutes, hamstrings, chest and upper back, plus core. Give this workout a go.
Friday – HIIT/ Running & Abs
Adding some cardio into your routine is a great way to keep your cardiovascular system going strong. If you’re not a fan of heading outside for a run try this HIIT workout. It is quick on time and will definitely leave you sweaty.
Saturday – Yoga
You’ve just had another two days of strength and cardio so it’s time to give that body a rest again! Stretch it back out with this yoga routine before you get busy with your weekend plans. Your body is going to feel more relaxed and at ease and ready to take on the busy weekend!
Sunday – Rest
Sunday is your much-needed rest day, so don’t forget to use it to foam roll and stretch. If you haven’t used a foam roller before well get ready! I’ll be the one now to give you a heads up that it’s definitely going to be painful but your muscles will thank you after!
For so long i thought I needed to push my body everyday and go as hard as I could. However, that only lead to me having a negative mindset towards working out. It actually got to the point where it was becoming obsessive. Using this workout structure I’ve trained my body and mind that each day doesn’t have to be pushed to exertion. We need to still take care of our bodies in a strong and healthy way. I hope this workout structure gives you the confidence and knowledge to get started on your workout routine!