It’s 7am and your alarm goes off. What’s the first thing you do? Open up Instagram and start the scroll. You’re now scrolling mindlessly looking at all the “fit girls” wondering why your body can’t look like that. You then go stand in front of the mirror and analyze every part of your body that isn’t “perfect.” There goes any self confidence you might have had! But here’s a friendly reminder to stop comparing your body to others. Especially in the form of social media.
Many people on social media are choosing to show their posed photos instead of their everyday relaxed photos. There can be such a drastic change that you’d think it was a 4 week transformation picture, when in reality it’s a 5 second difference. So what is the difference between a posed and relaxed photo?
What are Posed Photos?
It’s very important to note that what we’re seeing isn’t always reality. It’s very easy to take a posed picture and look “perfect.” You can wear high waisted pants and suck in your belly to make it look flat and toned. Use certain filters and lighting to hit the right curves on your body. Position your hand and feet a certain way to make the length of your body look longer and thinner. You can turn a certain way and sit up taller. But that’s not always real. Instead, they can be posed at its finest.
What are Relaxed Photos?
These are those everyday types of photos. Where you’re lounging on the couch. After you’ve eaten a meal. You’re bloated from your period. Where you’re laughing with your friends enjoying a glass of wine. When you’ve had 5 too many French Macaroons. Where your stomach is folding over your jeans. Your hair is going 7 different directions and makeup hasn’t touched your face in 3 days. It’s all real and it’s all you. And it’s all OK!

So the difference here is significant. And we can also see it can be pretty easy to keep seeing the perfectly posed photos and think it’s reality. To look at yourself in the mirror and wonder why you’re not good enough. But make sure to keep this information in the back of your mind to remember that what we see isn’t always real.
Steps to take to Stop Comparing Your Body on Social Media
- Be intentional on how you use social media
- A lot of us grab our phones when we’re bored or don’t want to complete a task. Which leads to mindless scrolling, which you may think is harmless, but it can lead to unconscious comparison. Before you hop on to social media, ask yourself what the goal is of this. Are you seeing what your friends have been up to? Are you looking for a new recipe or wanting to try a new hair trend? Just being more intentional can stop us from mindless scrolling and stick to our goal.
- Follow those whose goals are attainable and realistic for you
- As someone who loves to workout I love following people who are also doing the same. However, if I were to follow someone who worked out constantly, gave up all carbs, never enjoyed time out with friends and family in order to achieve their physique, I’d feel I was failing. Instead, following others who have a similar mindset to me where all things are best done in moderation, then I’m more likely to see that working out and enjoying life CAN be achieved.
- Be mindful of your triggers and minimize them
- If you have a friend or an account you follow that is only always sharing negative news, it’s time to hit the unfollow button. Getting upset or angry after viewing a certain account? Just unfollow. Keep your feed filled with the positive and inspiration that you need.
Social Media is a great tool to keep us all connected with one another. However, it can also be a dangerous tool that makes you start to question your worth. If you’re feeling defeated or not worthy while on social media, try and go a day or even a few days without it.
Another tool that helps me have a more positive outlook on life is to always have inspiration near me. If you haven’t read the book, You Are a Badass, you must, but she also created a calendar where each day is a new quote or advice to boost your confidence. It’s the perfect way to start your day! Here’s the link for the 2023 calendar so you can put that on your Christmas list!
I hope this has given you some insight on how to stop comparing your body on social media. The hardest thing to change at times can be our mindset, but once we start to master that, our whole life can change. If you’re ready to work towards changing your negative mindset to a more positive one, I’d love to have the opportunity to work with you! Feel free to comment below or send me an email. Can’t wait to chat more soon!