The start of a new year just feels good! Am I right? So many opportunities are awaiting you over the next 365 days. You feel lighter and determined. You’re ready to take on anything and everything. Which sometimes can be over ambitious when we look down at the list of our goals and there are 20 new goals for the new year. While I’m all for having goals to continuously work for, I’m going with a more simple way to plan your goals this year.

Having a goal to work towards is very important. It keeps you feeling like you have a greater purpose in life and that you know you can do more to improve yourself and those around you. However, I’ve seen it too many times that when the new year hits people write down their new goals and they have 5 too many. Your intentions may be good but it’s pretty unrealistic to try and think you can change your entire life around the beginning of a new year.
The New Plan
Ok, so hear me out. New Year, New Goals. But let’s make it super simple. Think of ONE thing you want to start doing. And ONE thing you want to stop doing. That’s it my friends.
Here are the simple steps to make this happen:
- Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left write START and on the right write STOP.
- Write down all the things you’d like to start and stop doing this year.
- Look carefully at these. Are there any that can wait until 1,3 or 5 years? Are there some you just need to pick back up again but it’s not a brand new idea?
- Choose the one thing you know that if you stick with each day it is going to propel your life into success in this New Year.
- Take (2) Sticky Notes and on one write Start with your goal and the other write STOP with your goal. Place them on your bathroom mirror or somewhere where you will be reminded of them each day.
- Now stick to those goals and do your best each day!
If you’re not sure where to start, I’d highly suggest looking at things you can start and stop that will benefit your health and well-being. More often than not, when I’m not feeling energized, inspired or motivated to work towards my blog, website or social media growth it’s usually because I’ve let my wellness habits take the back burner. This means I’ve stopped reading or listening to personal development, I’m not getting enough sleep, I’m consuming too much alcohol, I’m not working out and I’m not journaling. But when I have those things working for me, I feel lit up which actually makes doing my work tasks exciting again.

5 Health & Well-Being Start Ideas
- Commit to journaling each day for 10 minutes
- Drink 2 liters of water a day
- Add a diversity of fruit and veggies to your weekly rotation
- Add yoga to your fitness routine 1 day a week
- Read or Listen to Personal Development in the area you’re trying to improve in life or business each day.
5 Health & Well-Being Stop Ideas
- Saying yes to everyone and everything – value your time and goals.
- Consuming alcohol during the week
- Using your phone in bed. Instead turn off electronics 1 hour prior to bed and create a nighttime routine.
- Trying to be perfect.
- Ordering or dining out for meals, get in the kitchen more
Final Thoughts
You got to where you are today by doing small and consistent things day after day. Whether they were good things or bad things. They were repeated and became a habit. They didn’t happen overnight. Remember your new start and stop goals are going to take time and work as well to get in the flow of them becoming a daily part of your new routine. If you fall off track one day, don’t let it derail you until the next year, just start over the next day or even the next week!
I hope this helps set you in the right direction to reach your goals this new year! If you know you need some extra accountability to keep you on track, be sure to schedule a FREE 30 minute discovery call so we can see how we can work together to push past your obstacles and reach those goals you’re setting for this new year!