It’s 2pm and you start to hear your stomach begin to growl. You know you’re hungry but you promised yourself that you wouldn’t resort back to the Snickers bar that’s been staring at you from the shelf. So now what are you supposed to turn to? Here are 4 snacks to keep your health goals on track. Bonus – they are simple and delicious as well!
Veggies & Hummus
Hummus is full of plant based fiber, protein and healthy fats
Celery and carrots are my go to to pair with hummus. Celery is extremely low in calories and filled with lots of water. Perfect for the winter days when you need more moisture or the hot summer days after being outside for too long. If you want to add a little more substance to this snack feel free to add some crackers to the mix.
For a snack, I’d have a cup of veggies and 2 Tbsp of your favorite hummus.

Mini Bell Peppers with Cream Cheese & Everything But the Bagel Seasoning
Benefits of mini bell peppers – these babies (pun intended) are filled with antioxidants. They become the perfect boat for your cream cheese topped with everything but the bagel seasoning. I ended up using the whipped cream cheese for this as i found it was easier to spread into the peppers.
3 mini peppers and 1/4 cup of cream cheese would be a great snack. Feel free to load up on the EBTBS!
Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas
Benefits of chickpeas: good source of fiber & plant-based protein. Roasting them gives you that crunchy feeling of the chips that you’ve been craving but these are so much better for you and your waistline.
Test out this recipe I’ve found on how to make some you can have for the week!
Apple Slices with Peanut Butter
Benefits of apples – full of fiber and crisp and satisfying while peanut butter has your healthy fats and some protein.
Be mindful of the peanut butter you’re buying at the store though. Some contain loads of sneaky oils and sugars in them. I know, that’s the stuff that makes it taste better though, right!?

Reminder – Healthy eating doesn’t need to be complicated at all. It’s also not about what we cannot have but what we can have that fuels our body correctly. Being a bit more mindful about the decisions of food we’re putting into our bodies the majority of the time can have a huge payoff in the end. I hope you enjoy these snacks while keeping your health goals on track!